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OregonSaves Launches Pilot Program

The state of Oregon has officially launched its pilot program for OregonSaves, the first-of-its-kind state sponsored retirement savings plan. A small group of employers across the state, together representing 151 employees, officially kicked off the pilot program on July 1, 2017.


According to Oregon State Treasury, as many as 1,000,000 people -- or 1 out of every 4 people in the state -- could eventually benefit from this retirement savings plan. State officials have estimated that 64,000 (mostly small) businesses will have employees eligible to participate in the plan.

We are committed to making sure the plan works well for workers and employers, and will make a dent in the massive retirement savings gap that threatens to overwhelm public services.
— Ted Wheeler, Oregon State Treasurer

While sponsored by the state, OregonSaves is not a pension plan and is not connected to the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS). 

How It Works

Employers in Oregon will be responsible for automatically enrolling their eligible employees into the OregonSaves retirement savings plan. Each employee will have 30 days to opt-out of the program after they've received their enrollment material. Self-employed workers will need to enroll in the program themselves.

By default, employers must deduct 5% of an eligible employee's after-tax wage, and contribute that amount into a Roth IRA in their name. Employees can change their contribution amounts in 1% increments, with a minimum of 1% and a maximum of 10%. Each employee is limited to one contribution change per month.

Employees are also subject to existing Roth IRA contribution limits. For 2017, those limits are:

Table Style
Tax Filing Status Modified Adjusted Gross Income Contribution Limit
Single, head of household, or married filing separately Uner $118,000 Up to $5,500
$118,000 - $132,999 A reduced amount*
$133,000 and over Zero
Married but filing separately, and you live with your spouse at any time in 2017 Up to $10,000 A reduced amount*
$10,000 and over Zero
Married filing jointly Under $186,000 Up to $5,500
$186,000 - $195,999 A reduced amount*
Up to $196,000 Zero

*To calculate your reduced contribution limit, refer to IRS Publication 590-A, Contribution to IRAs.

In 2017, eligible employees age 50 or older are allowed to make an additional $1,000 in "catch-up" contributions to a Roth IRA.

By policy, the first $1,000 contributed by an employee is invested in a capital preservation investment selected by the Oregon Retirement Savings Board. After the first $1,000, employees can choose how to invest their contributions from a menu of low-cost index funds managed by State Street Global Advisors (SSGA), which includes a broad range of target date funds.

Regardless of investment choice, each participant in the OregonSaves Retirement Savings Plan will pay an annual expense ratio of 1.05%, or $10.05 per $1,000 invested, annually.

There are no charges to an employee for withdrawals, changing contribution amounts, or moving money between investment funds.   

It's Mandatory

Any business with employees in Oregon that don't already offer a qualified retirement plan (i.e., a 401(k) plan) will be required to facilitate the State's program for its employees. 

Assuming all goes well with OregonSaves' pilot program, the first registration, or "comply-by" date, will be November 15, 2017. By this date, businesses with 100 employees or more will have to register with OregonSaves or file their Certificate of Exemption. The program will roll out in phases with the last phase ending May 15, 2020. 

Table Style
Number of Employees Registration Deadline
100 & over November 15, 2017
50 - 99 May 15, 2018
20 - 49 December 15, 2018
10 - 19 May 15, 2019
5 - 9 November 15, 2019
Under 5 May 15, 2020

Regardless of the number of employees, a business will be exempt from the OregonSaves Retirement Savings Plan if they are able to certify that the business offers a qualified plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), to all its employees within 90 days of hire. Once a Certificate of Exemption is approved, it is valid for 3 years, as long as the business continues to offer its qualified plan.

Employee Eligibility

For those businesses that don't qualify for exemption, they must facilitate OregonSaves for all their employees in Oregon that are age 18 or older. Self-employed workers and part-time workers will also be eligible to participate in the plan.

Additional Resources

To learn about the latest developments of OregonSaves, you can sign up to receive email updates, meeting agendas, and notices here. The Oregon Retirement Savings Board has also posted all the material from previous board meetings online. If you'd like to do a deeper dive, take a look at some of the following resources.

  • Barran Liebman Breakfast Seminar on July 11th (link)
  • OregonSaves FAQ (link)
  • OregonSaves Facebook (link) and Twitter (link)


If you're looking for advice on how to navigate the topic of retirement savings for your employees, we'd love to have that conversation with you. Give Eric a call at 971-930-4447, or reach out to our sales team at 

403(b) or 401(k): A Choice For Tax-Exempt Organizations

Employers wanting to offer a retirement plan for their employees have many choices. For tax-exempt, non-profit organizations one such choice is whether to offer a 401(k), a 403(b), or both. This post touches on the differences and pros and cons, and leaves employers with some guidance to help make a decision.

Who can offer a 403(b) plan?

The IRS says a 403(b) plan, or tax-sheltered annuity (TSA), can be offered by public schools, churches, and certain tax-exempt organizations.  Here's a more complete list provided by the IRS:

  • An entity created under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Public school systems
  • Cooperative hospital service organizations
  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
  • Public school systems organized by Native American tribal governments
  • Certain ministers
  • Any 401(c)(3) institution which might include a not-for profit university, religious organization or social service agency

Eligible organizations are typically structured as corporations, community chests, funds or foundations. Generally speaking, sole proprietorships, partnerships and for-profit corporations won't qualify for a 403(b).

*Tip: There are over 23,000 registered 501(c)(3) organizations in the state of Oregon. Use this tool to lookup any registered 501(c)(3) organization.

Who can offer a 401(k) plan?

Unlike 403(b) plans, the IRS allows both for-profit and non-profit entities to offer a 401(k) plan. In fact, with the exception of governmental entities, virtually any organization can establish a 401(k) plan. Non-profits are even allowed to offer both a 401(k) plan and a 403(b) plan, although this arrangement is not common.

Similarities between 403(b) and 401(k)

  • An employee's maximum annual contribution in both plans is $18,000*
  • Employees over the age of 50 are allowed an additional catch-up contribution of $6,000*
  • Total contributions to an employees retirement account are capped at $54,000 in 2017, including employer contributions
  • Both plans can be terminated according to pre-determined plan governing rules
  • Both plans allow for Roth contributions

Contrasts between 403(b) and 401(k)


Table Style
CONTRAST 401(k) 403(b)
Investment Options Any investment option is allowed according to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Includes: mutual funds, annuity contracts, individual securities, and managed portfolios. Annuity contracts or custodial accounts invested in mutual funds. Churches may have additional options.
Eligible Employees All or a sub-set of the employer's employees. All employees must be eligible for elective deferrals (including Roth contributions) if any are eligible, with certain limited exclusions permitted.
15-Year Service Catch-up Not permitted Permitted but must be applied first if aged 50 catch-up also applies
Actual deferral percentage (ADP) test of elective deferrals (including Roth contributions) Generally required Not applicable
Hardship Withdrawals Allowed, after a specified number of years, certain age, disability or other predetermined event. Allowed from annuity accounts, after a specified number of years, certain age, disability or other predetermined event. Hardship withdrawals from custodial accounts allowed only at age 59 1/2 or upon disability.
Applicability of ERISA Generally subject to ERISA Plan with only elective deferrals (including Roth contributions) not subject to ERISA under certain conditions. Matching contributions, even if made to a plan other than the 403(b), or other employer contributions to the 403(b) plan, generally will cause the 403(b) plan to be subject to ERISA.

403(b) plans have been getting some unfavorable press recently due to their reputation for excessive cost to participants and more lenient regulations. A recent article in The New York Times brought these issues to the forefront in the public domain.

403(b) accounts that many workers contribute to are not subject to the more stringent federal rules and consumer protections that apply to 401(k) plans.
— The New York Times

But not all 403(b) plans are bad. Organizations that perform their due diligence, work with long tenured retirement plan experts, and put the best interests of their employees first, will find that both 403(b) and 401(k) plans can be successful vehicles for accumulating retirement savings.

How to Think About Administrative Cost

From Bob McKendry's blog post titled, "Should Cost be the Primary Factor in Selecting a Third Party Administrator?":

"The bottom-line for selecting a TPA is not always cost. Many factors, including the complexity of your business environment, the changing nature of your workforce and plan history may dictate a higher degree of expertise and skill for your TPA."

McKendry goes on to write:

"A typical misconception is all TPAs offer the same services and expertise, so cost should be the main actor in selecting a TPA. But, just like doctors or lawyers, not all TPAs have the same skill set and expertise. Nor do all TPAs offer the same services. The services offered by TPAs are often limited by the fees charged by the TPA and the skill set and expertise of the firm."